Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Match Sticks

I didn't know where to start with this project, so I figured I would make lots of mini models and the first material that poped into my head was matches. I also bought some super glue, which didn't work well at all. I then try wood adhesive, still no better. So in the end I bought a glue gun. Which works very well, but its quite messy and visible. But I suppose these imperfections won't be as obvious on a life size chair.

I decided to incorporate the boxes with the match chairs as matches alone were too fiddly.

This one is fairly straightforward. I took the box apart, stuck it together and stuck the matches on the back. Its not particularly impressive.

This one is even more simple. Its just matches used as legs stuck to the bottom of a match box.

I think this is the most impressive match stick chair I created. Its similar to the first. In the sense I took the box apart and glued it together, but this time I covered it in black tape and added match stick legs.

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